10145. Tallinn. Estonia. Tornimäe 7
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 19:00

Registration of a company in Switzerland

+372 55560677
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 19:00
Company name check

Company registration
Payment of state duties

Notary services

Corporate documents

Registered address for 1 year

Company name check

Company registration
Payment of state duties

Notary services

Corporate documents

Registered address for 1 year

Distant company incorporation

Power of Attorney Translation

Company name check

Company registration
Payment of state duties

Notary services

Corporate documents

Registered address for 1 year

Distant company incorporation

Power of Attorney Translation

Corporate account opening

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Making business in Switzerland is possible in different organizational and legal forms:

GMBH or limited liability company.
There is need of  director, who must be a resident of the Jurisdiction. There are no nationality requirements for investors or shareholders. The authorized capital of at least 20,000 Swiss francs is required. Payment of the full amount will be required before submitting documents for consideration to the registration authority. No audit is required, but the company must file annual reporting forms according to cantonal regulations.
AG or joint stock company. The founders appoint shareholders, directors and management members. One of the Swiss residents is hired for the position of director. Only an individual of adult age acts as a citizen, who retains the right to act as a shareholder or investor in other companies. The authorized capital ranges from 100,000 to 500,000 Swiss francs. The amount is paid immediately upon registration of the business. A report on accounting, profit and turnover is submitted annually.
Branch of a foreign company. Used to expand the activities of a successful enterprise. The founder is the head office; there are no requirements for the size of the authorized capital. A mandatory condition is permanent residence in Switzerland. Only branches located in an offshore zone are required to submit reports.
Offshore in Switzerland in the form of a branch is the most interesting option for an existing business. A minimum of documents will be required, there is no state duty, and the tax rate is reduced compared to the activities of major companies. Foreign income will not be taxed.
Advantages of Swiss jurisdiction
Registering a company in Switzerland has advantages for clients:
The country is one of the most successful and wealthy in Europe;
High level of GDP and developed economy;
Convenient geographical location;
Simple procedure for entering the European market;
Opening a corporate account without providing a large amount of documents;
Reliable banking is provided;
There is a favorable environment for launching a startup;
There is anadditional services for distant registration of legal entities;
Switzerland has a modern infrastructure;
An increased level of asset protection is provided;
There is no exchange control in Switzerland;
There are tax breaks for new companies;
Fast and easy incorporation of a company.
We offer company registration in Switzerland thanks to ready-made service packages.

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